Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Experiencing Many Sides of Israel in One Day

We started the day off with a breakfast at Carmei Ovdat, which contained many new food options. We visited Ben Gurion's grave site overlooking some beautiful views in order to discuss the state of Israel and how Ben Gurion wanted it to be. Next was a bike ride, but in the Negev. This also was not just an ordinary bike ride, we split into teams and were sent on a hunt to look for signs hidden in the vast desert. Both teams finished at around the same time, leading us to a vista with spectacular views. After some photos and a ride back, we hopped into the car for some lunch in Sterot. Luckily we had an hour or so, which allowed to rest and regain our energy. The falafel, pita bread, and hummus was a nice touch to an already great day. Our guide/travel companion took us to see a bunch of missiles that had been collected after being fired from the Gaza Strip by Hamas. We also talked to some local teenage girls about their opinions and experiences with bombings and having to take shelter (which they only have 15 seconds to do). To really understand the Gaza Strip, we ventured to the safest and closest distance from it. Only around a kilometer away, we could see the fences, walls, and defense systems put in place by the Israeli government and Hamas. We could even hear the Call to Prayer from the Mosque as we were leaving. Then we drove to a Bedouin Village to go camel riding and settle in to our tent for the night. After talking to a local Bedouin, we had a traditional dinner of rice, chicken, lamb, hummus, and salad. Later, around a campfire, we were able to eat s'mores and meet two Israeli armed forces soldiers to learn about their life in the infantry and army. Overall, a good day!

-Alex K


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sounds like Alex K. is enjoying the food -- no surprise!
