Thursday, February 18, 2016

A Refreshing Swim in the Sea... in February!

This morning we woke up to a nice breakfast outside our tent and took a short drive to Masada. Once we got there we learned about the history and started climbing up the tall mountain. We got to the top and took many pictures of the beautiful view and heard many more facts about the amazing mountain. We also learned about a cave that had a water system. It was one of 6 caves that stored water. In the cave, we saw graffiti that had important significance. Also, we went to the point on the mountain and screamed.  After we screamed we heard our echo. After touring Masada,  we descended by cable car. Then we hopped back into the bus, hiked a little and swam in a spring with a beautiful waterfall in Ein Jedi. We swam and hung out in the sun and then headed over to the Dead Sea. When we arrived, we ate delicious barbecue food and salad for lunch. Once we finished lunch we excitedly went to the sea and put mud all over our bodies. We let the mud sit for a little and once it cracked on our body we went into the sea. We floated in the sea, admiring the sensation of floating and enjoying the pretty views for a while. Then we showered and went back on the bus and drove to Jerusalem to settle into our hotel. We took showers and walked up and down Ben Yehuda Street for dinner and shopping. After an ice cream stop, we walked back to the hotel and relaxed before going to bed for much-needed sleep.

Danielle A

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