Friday, February 20, 2015

Goodbye Haifa, We are on to New Adventures!

Today (Tuesday) the Bostonians and Israelis had to say goodbye. It was sad to leave all of our new and close friends but we know we have made some bonds that will last a lifetime. While staying with the Israeli kids and their families we made some wonderful memories we will never forget. After leaving Haifa we went to the Israeli Museum at the Yitshak Rabin Center in Tel Aviv. Not only was the museum very cool it was also educational. We all learned about Israel and its history regarding Yitshak Rabin. After about driving for an hour and a half we arrived at a beautiful farm that stretched out in all directions as far as we could see. At first we thought the donkey racing was a joke the adults were trying to pull on us but it was no joke. We arrived to see little carts with donkeys attached and reigns for us to steer. We raced for about 15 minutes and came in second during a very tight race (lost to Rabbi Lisa and Heidi) and came out to a gorgeous opening of land surrounded by trees, flowers, and mountains. We parked our carts and sat down to make lunch. We made pitas over a fire and topped then with traditional Israeli sandwich toppings. For example labneh with zatar, freshly picked tomatoes, honey, garlic, olives, artichoke, chocolate spread and much more. We raced our donkeys back (second again) and came to find that we were setting up to play a game of paintball against full grown men who had already been in the army and were pro paintballers. At first all the girls were very hesitant to participate and then eventually gave in and got ready to play. After all geared up in padding and camouflage and ready to run around the panic started to kick in. The game started and naturally all the girls ran to hide behind the closest thing which in this case was right next to the flag. Not smart on our part. We hid for about 15 minutes before the paint started flying. All at once we all got hit with the painful colorful bullets. Once we left the farm we drove to a little farm in the middle of the desert and settled in our little cabins after eating dinner. The day was full of new experiences and fun surprises. If I had a chance I would do it all again. 
~Nina Coleman

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